Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
круглый вырез горловины, мягкая резинка на манжетах и поясе, свободная посадка по фигуре
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
прямой крой, круглый вырез горловины, длина до линии бедер
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
двухслойный капюшон со шнурком для регулировки, мягкие манжеты на рукавах и по низу толстовки, спереди карман-кенгуру с мягким внутренним слоем.
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
приталенный силуэт, круглая горловина, широкие плечи, сужается к линии бедра
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
круглая горловина, приталенный силуэт, длина до линии бедра. Пройма и горловина окантованы тонкой бейкой
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
внешний слой — 100% полиэфир, внутренний слой — 100% хлопок, между ними — поролон
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
универсальный размер, печать по всей поверхности изделия
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
универсальный размер, печать по всей поверхности изделия
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
длина до линии бедра, манжеты и пояс оформлены мягкой тканевой резинкой, двухслойный капюшон со шнурком для регулировки, спереди молния, по бокам два кармана
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Манжеты и пояс оформлены тканевой резинкой, двухслойный капюшон со шнурком для регулировки, карманы спереди
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos