круглый вырез горловины, мягкая резинка на манжетах и поясе, свободная посадка по фигуре
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
лямки с регулируемой длиной, сверху петелька, чтобы рюкзак можно было повесить на вешалку. Основное отделение закрывается на молнию, как и внешний карман. Внутри дополнительный карман. По бокам два дополнительных кармашка
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
круглая форма, металлическая застежка в виде булавки
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
круглый вырез горловины, мягкая резинка на манжетах и поясе, свободная посадка по фигуре
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
плотность бумаги 280 г/м2, матовая, на обратной стороне линовка и место для марки
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
плотность ткани — 95 г/м2, размер — 67 х 109 см. Принт наносится с одной стороны
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
48 листов, плотность листов — 60 г/м2, плотность картонной обложки — 250 г/м2. Листы скреплены сбоку удобной пружинной спиралью. Уголки страниц и обложки скругленные. Цвет линий — светло-серый
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
размер 67 х 109 см, плотность ткани — 95 г/м2; по краям флага есть четыре люверса для крепления
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos
Область печати: задняя сторона чехла, без боковых панелей
Тематика принта: coming for you | cover | gone away | music | official | offspring | offspring remastered | original | pretty fly for a white guy | remastered music videos | rock | self esteem | smash | the | the offspring | the offspring remastered videos